Whew! With the year coming to a close, I reviewed with all of my coaching clients their best business lessons learned this year. I’m sharing them with you here. Feel free to share on Facebook or share on Twitter.
Top 10 Business Lessons Learned This Year
Celebrate Success – Instead of just looking at what you didn’t do, take a moment to review all of the things you did accomplish. In my world, for example, I boldly entered the social media world with a new web site, YouTube Channel, business Facebook page, Twitter account, and Infusionsoft as my backend software. What did you accomplish?
Delegate Often – Yes, it’s scary to commit to monthly help, but I guarantee you that focusing on what you do best and delegating the rest, will help, will make you happier and more money. (Here’s my big thank you to Mandy Rodriguez and Lisa Schulteis – the bestest!)
Keep Trying – Test new ideas, price points, strategies, and recognize when it’s time to conclude that something just isn’t working.
Embrace Technology – If you’re thinking Twitter and Instagram are just going to go away, you’re wrong! Let technology help you with calendaring, reminders, and gauging customer reaction.
Ask for Help – It’s OK not to have all of the answers, but then ask for help so you don’t stay stuck!
Recycle, Repurpose, and Reuse Your Information – Write it once and use it at least 3 other places. Turn a blog into a speech, a speech into a product for sale…..you get the idea.
Cement Strong Biz Practices – Use contracts, Letters of Agreement and other mechanisms to run your business like a business. Sadly, a handshake is often not enough.
Focus on Self, Wealth, and Health – We all need goals in balance. Don’t forget to calendar your “self” for exercise, checks-ups, and mental health days.
Create Multiple Streams of Revenue – Don’t let one client deliver 90% of your revenue or you’ll be in trouble. Look for additional ways to profit.
Charge What You’re Worth – Becoming the low-cost provider is a long-term losing proposition. Instead, create a pricing strategy that matches your expertise.
Need help? Give me a buzz at 858-550-7000 or connect with me to see if I can help you reach your goals in 2013.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net