Wild? Weird? Wonderful? The Importance of Living Your Authentic Brand
Perhaps you’ve read about the Idaho Fish & Game commissioner in the bull’s eye of a major controversy. He shared photos of his trophy menagerie of killed animals with friends and family. The images including a baboon family, a giraffe, and a leopard.
BUT, I’m NOT weighing in on whether hunting is morally right or wrong; my issue is about living his authentic brand. According to the Idaho mission statement: “It (wildlife) shall be preserved, protected, perpetuated, and managed…at all times.” See the problem?
Living your brand should not be rhetoric, but a mantra! You can’t pretend to be someone you’re not. I’m very clear in my love of food, wine, shoes, and a sale! I don’t hide it or deny it; it is me.
The major point is that you must be clear on who you are and what you stand for; you can’t work for RJR Nabisco if you oppose cigarettes. Not all jobs are a good match for all people.
Take the time – now! Decide what’s important in your life and ensure it’s in alignment with your job and the corporate culture.