Do-It-Yourself Publicity in The Digital Age:
How to Create a Brand-Building Buzz
With Liz Goodgold and Nancy Juetten
Friday, July 29, 2011
8:30 am – 12 Noon
Only $99!
Register NOW!
Publicity in today’s Internet world is a whole new game: it is NOT about writing press releases and hoping the big media call. Instead, it is about using all of the new social media tools to grab attention, stand out, brand out, and capture the attention of bloggers, reviewers, Lions, and Tweeters with thousands of followers.
In this jam-packed, hands-on workshop you get DOUBLE the attention with 2 X the expertise from TWO red hot media generators: Liz Goodgold and Nancy Juetten. And, did I mention it would be fun?
6 Sizzling Secrets to Publicity You Will Master On July 29:
How to respond to HARO (Help a Reporter Out) with a 90% success rate of getting contacted
The magic formula of writing emails to the media so that your message gets read
The essential rules of what works and what doesn’t when working with bloggers, reporters, and producers.
The importance of speaking and writing in juicy soundbites that get you invited by the media over and over again
How to tie your expertise into today’s news that will land you in the press
The secrets to writing “screaming good” headlines for your articles, blogs, or social media savvy press releases
You’ve got to be here! Reserve your seat now!
PLUS, you’ll experience the value of:
Mock Interviews – You’ll put into practice exactly what you’ve learned that day!
One-On-One help – Are you “stuck” on how to talk to the media? You’ll get personalized attention in this workshop
Successful Examples – See exactly how a story was pitched from the first e-mail to the TV broadcast
Red Hot Seats – Want one-on-one attention with your pitch? Bio? Brand? We are ready for ya!
Who Should Attend?
This program has been created specifically for:
Small businesses owners
Real Estate Agents
Direct Marketers
….who want to learn how to harness the power of public relations without hiring a PR agency.
Meet Liz Goodgold and Nancy Juetten: (steal photos from our previous gig:
They Practices What They Teach
Nancy Juetten is a storyteller, workshop leader, and author who shows business owners how to get seen, heard, celebrated, and COMPEN$ATED for the expert status. Nancy created Bye-Bye Boring Bio to help coaches, consultants, solopreneurs, speakers, infopreneurs, and aspiring and thriving authors attract clients, speaking gigs, and media attention now. Nancy’s essential advice is this: “It’s your story. Tell it well.” She is your champion for authentic visibility.
Liz Goodgold is a ….bio from previous seminars…
Your Investment
The price for this 3-hour program Red Fire PR is just $99.00! For this one low price, you receive value in excess of $1000 and walk away with:
3 hours of interactive, step-by-step strategies guaranteed to get you in the media
One-on-one attention
Coffee and light refreshments included
Friday, July 29, 2011; Registration at 8:30 am; program starts promptly at 9 am and ends at 12 noon exactly
Registration is by pre-registration only here