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Say Yes to Notes of Gratitude

Throughout this year, we’ve heard a ton about gratitude journals, finding happiness in everyday things, or uncovering a new talent. But, as we resume work and our everyday life, how about going out of our way to say thank you to someone directly?

Gratitude journals keep the happiness inside, whereas telling someone you appreciate them extends it externally. I don’t know about you, but I don’t believe we ever hear praise or good words enough. Instead, it’s too easy to focus on the negative and never stop to appreciate the positive. It’s as if we get a raise, receive a one-hour review of our outstanding performance, and all we remember is the one recommended “area of improvement.” Yikes!

I’ve started telling my designers, clients, vendors, and family how much I appreciate their acts of kindness. I also recognize that I’ve goofed. During this pandemic, panic got the best of me and I sent out a horrible diatribe to a friend. The “sorry” message should have come sooner from me. And, I should have waited a moment before the anger transferred directly from my brain to my fingers. (Yes, I should have learned this lesson before.)

So, here’s my recommendation as we finish up Mother’s Day, celebrate our grads, and get ready for Father’s Day. Take a moment to tell all of the important people in your life how much you appreciate them.

With a big hug of gratitude to my loyal readers, friends, family, clients, and colleagues,


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